The Great Yokai War

The Great Yokai War , Ykai Daisens? is a 2005 Japanese fantasy childrens film directed by Takashi Miike and produced by Kadokawa Pictures. It was released under the international English title The Great Ykai War by Tokyo Shock.

A young boy named Tadashi Ino moves to a small town after his parents divorce. At a local festival, he is chosen to be that years Kirin Rider, referring to the legendary Chinese chimera, the Qilin a a protector of all things good. He soon discovers that his new title is quite literal, as a nefarious spirit named Yasunori Kat appears. Kat a demon whose mystical powers are born of his rage at the annihilation of Japans local tribes desires vengeance against the modern Japanese for their actions against the Ykai. To carry out his revenge, Kat allies himself with a Ykai named Agi, summoning a fiery spirit called Yomotsumono a creature composed of the resentment carried by the multitudinous things mankind has discarded. Kat feeds Ykai into Yomotsumonos flames, fusing them with the numerous discarded tools and items to form Kikai. These Kikai under Kats control capture other Ykai to build their numbers while killing humans. One such Ykai, a Sunekosuri b escapes and befriends Tadashi who attempts to obtain the Daitenguken c from the mountain as a right of passage for the role of Kirin Rider. Scared by the tales told of the mountain, Tadashi falters upon his arrival at the mountain and tries to flee. However, tricked by the sea spirit Shj, d who picked Tadashi out, he manages to overcome a test to prove his worth. Accompanied by Shj, Kawahime, e and Kawatar, f Tadashi makes his way to the Daitengu g who gives him the sword before being taken away by the Kikai. In spite of Tadashis attempts, the sword is broken as Agi takes Sunekosuri as her captive before the boy is knocked unconscious.When Tadashi comes to his senses, he finds himself among Ykai as they discuss how to fix the sword they ultimately decide to request the aid of the blacksmith Ippondatara. h Upon learning that Ippondatara was also captured, General Nurarihyon i and his group leave. Kawataro restrains an Ittanmomen, j praising the bumbling Azukiarai, k unaware that he only remained behind d

Source: Wikipedia